A generic LA-200. Injectable antibiotic contains 200 mg./cc. oxytetracycline. Effective treatment for a wide range of diseases including pinkeye, shipping fever, pneumonia, foot rot, diphtheria, bacterial enteritis, wooden tongue, leptospirosis, wound infections, acute metritis in beef and lactating dairy cattle and for acute mastitis in beef cattle. Dosage: Intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SQ) 4.5 cc. per 100 lbs. of body weight. Caution: Discontinue treatment at least 28 days prior to slaughter of cattle and swine. The only long acting formulation approved for lactating dairy animals.
Coleman Farm Supply, Inc.
152 Main Street
Appomattox, VA
8-5 M-F, 8-12 Sat